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Agricultures and Channels

  • Standard or certified poultry meat, ‘Label Rouge’ poultry, and also guinea fowl, turkeys, ducks, etc. : Terrena endeavours to restore poultry production to its former glory, making the animals’ well-being the centre of the production process. This is an ambitious goal, which requires technical, economic and financial support when undertaking projects with producers.

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  • Assisted by milk technicians, Terrena supports its milk producers in the face of far-reaching changes in the sector, while continuing to meet sanitary and qualitative requirements for processing and marketing dairy products…

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  • Ter’elevage endeavours to increase the value of breeders’ produce by working towards the best outlets. Ter’elevage trades 228,941 cattle, helping to supply Elivia with the best in terms of volume and quality.

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  • Porvéo, the brand which carries two regional pig producer groups

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