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Our environmental responsibility

From field to plate, our activities are based on the use of natural resources. Our future existence depends on the way in which we use these resources. Innovating via AEI and optimising our use of natural resources allows us to consider the environment as a lever for performance.



Control environmental risks linked to our activities


Facilities that store organic matter giving off inflammable dust have three types of risks: the phenomenon of self-heating, fire and explosion. Preventative actions such as the use of thermography to check the hot points of activities consuming electricity allow us to anticipate future laws in France.



67“Facilities Classified for Environmental Protection Purposes” (ICPE) are subject to specific regulations. Thus, concerning the fight against fire, we have water reserves to enable the fire service to put out any fires. Retention ponds allow us to collect polluted water to use to put out fires. Maintenance monitoring carried out on equipment used for handling grain in silos is also essential to prevent risks. Finally, risk assessments are carried out for the largest facilities. Simulation of fire and explosion scenarios, depending on their probability and seriousness, allow us to observe the effects of these situations on the local people and to act accordingly (creating air holes in structures for example, to allow air to pass and reduce the effects of an explosion).




Adding value to agri-supplies waste: a service for members

In order to support our members in the implementation of environmental actions, we organise a free collection of agri-supplies waste. We collected from 82 sites in 2014.


The waste is then valued by Adivalor. In 2014, 2,116 tonnes were collected from 14,108 members and 2,108 tonnes were recycled by Adivalor.





Energy initiatives

Since 2013, Terrena Group has adopted an energy initiative that is based around 4 focuses:


  • Purchasing energy and fuel
    Purchase energy at the best price via the optimisation of Electricity and Gas contracts


  • Energy efficiency
    Consume less energy for equivalent or better production


  • Technical and regulatory monitoring
    Ensure that techniques used are the most recent and conform to any regulatory obligations


  • Finance
    Benefit from energy economy certification and other grants


In the context of energy efficiency, we are committed to reducing our energy consumption. We do all we can to ensure high quality energy performance in our industrial sites and monitor our consumption closely.


We also seek to gain energy economy certificates (CEE). These grants, given by the State when investments are made in equipment that is more respectful to the environment, are an indicator of the efforts being made by the company. The CEEs generated and valued were “21 GWh Cumac”  in 2014.