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6317, 6317, Gamm-Vert, Gamm-Vert.jpg, 237325,,, , 57, , , gamm-vert-4-2, inherit, 5192, 2015-09-14 14:46:19, 2016-07-05 13:48:06, 0, image/jpeg, image, jpeg,, 1600, 400, Array

Retail Distribution


Terrena owns 45 of the 1050 Gamm Vert shops in France and is the second largest operator in the network. In France ‘Gamm vert’ is synonymous with ‘nature’ and offers a large choice of branded and exclusive products to amateurs as well as professionals.



The range is based on the expertise and know-how of the farming world. It is divided into various sectors:



A 14,000 m² warehouse ensures the supply of Gamm Vert and Espace Terrena Group stores



Pass on good practices to consumers


gv09823Acting to ensure quality of life in the garden and the preservation of nature is within everyone’s reach! As a defender of Ecologically Intensive Farming, Terrena endeavours to share its expertise by advising its clients in this direction. Objectives of this system: to limit the impact of our activity on the environment, inform and train consumers in good gardening practices and encourage biodiversity.





Key figures

N°2 in garden centre distribution in France

365 employees

2 million checkout customers per year