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6339, 6339, tracteur, tracteur.jpg, 0,,, , 57, , , tracteur-2, inherit, 5192, 2015-09-14 14:46:45, 2016-07-05 13:48:06, 0, image/jpeg, image, jpeg,, 1600, 400, Array

Agricultural Machinery

The machinery activity of Terrena is carried by Agréom



Agreom carries a project based on a precision and connected farming, in the service of the economic and environmental performance of farms.


To accelerate the deployment of La Nouvelle Agriculture on all sectors and productions of the cooperative, Agreom purposes new global solutions combining connected machines, proximity services and personalized advice to farmers.




To carry out this project, Agreom relies on John Deere, world leader in the manufacture of innovative agricultural equipment.



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