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6323, 6323, POMMES, POMMES.jpg, 261370,,, , 57, , , pommes-3-2, inherit, 5192, 2015-09-14 14:46:27, 2016-07-05 13:48:06, 0, image/jpeg, image, jpeg,, 1597, 400, Array

Dalival and Hortival Diffusion

Terrena is recognized as one of the leading players in the world of nurseries.





As a specialist in apple and pear trees, Dalival (DL – Valois) is known as one of the leading companies in promoting and growing apple trees.



With much experience acquired in different areas of the stone fruit sector, the company has a multi-specialist profile:





Hortival Diffusion


Founded in 1838, in the heart of Anjou, Hortival Diffusion is the specialist in producing ornamental trees, shrubs and conifers.


With more than 1,200 varieties, it is one of Europe’s largest producers and the top producer in France for specialist distributors: nursery owners, garden centres and landscaping companies to name a few.




Listen, adapt, innovate

Hortival Diffusion is now established as an international leader in varietal innovation in ornamental trees and shrubs. The company is developing its offering in the area of small decorative products that are better suited to small gardens and other spaces such as balconies, patios and pots. 

Its strategy of innovation also includes new resistant varieties of rose bushes and shrubs (a new range of resistant apple trees, resulting from research by Dalival is on sale in garden centres).